Friday, November 22, 2019

Purpose of life

I don't feel I am a kid anymore, neither do I feel like an adult, but a question has been continuously striking in my neurons for a while now!

What is the purpose of life?

Image result for thinking

I have heard quite a lot of answers to this one question. I finally understood that everyone has their own definition of the purpose of life.

Some of them feel, their purpose in life is to reach God by 'Sadhana"(the practice of praying the god).

Some of them told that their purpose is to make sure, their future generations had a better life.
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And the remaining don't know their purpose of life & were just going with the flow.
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I tried to answer the question for myself and came out with an answer.

I feel that the following should be the practices of everyone so that they accomplish the purpose of their life consciously or unconsciously (including me) :

1.Being thankful to the creator: 
           If you are a theist, be thankful to the creator, for all the creations.
           If you are an atheist, then wonder and appreciate the evolution of nature to the present day.

                                        Image result for nature and man

2.Have empathy:
           Have some empathy. It helps an individual to grow up wisely. It builds better relations between different life forms and within them. It brings you respect from elders as well as underlings.
By this, your presence might not be cherished but absence is definitely felt.

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3.Helping others:
        It is the most important than any other practice of one's life. If we were to come up with solutions to all the difficulties that we face by ourselves, then we would have been placed in individual mazes rather than in one world collectively.
             So, help others.

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4.Have a purpose for your profession:
            If you don't have a purpose for your profession and are not admiring it, then you are life but not living. So, have a purpose for your profession, if not please quit & do something you reverve. The greater the purpose of your profession, the greater is your career. The greater your career, the more people you are inspiring.

                                     Image result for happy professionals

Inspiring others is what I feel like the greatest purpose of one's life.

These are what I feel the practices in one's life should be. I am just 22 years old and some of you who are reading this might have a professional life greater than or equal to my age, but, yeah, this is what I have understood about life & it's purpose till now.

If you feel that some more points can be added, please feel free to comment below.

- Gonwar Srinidhi Rao

Follow @youngsterwriters on Instagram for updates.


  1. very nice ra and i request you to make a blog on how to find purpose in life

    1. Sure sir. We prefer to publish the content that our reader likes to read.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. It really means a lot for us. If you feel it's worth sharing, please do share with your near and dear ones.

  3. Very nice Srinu Rao. Most of the youngsters are in confusing about their future.

  4. Very nice Srini Rao. Most of the youngsters are in confusing about their future.

    1. Thank you. It was small effort to bring some clarity amongst us.

  5. Super Srinidhi.Same manner continue and write about other thoughts of your age. So that all will analyse and come to conclusion

    1. Sure sir. We will continue to work in the same way.

  6. Super Srinidhi.Same manner continue and write about other thoughts of your age. So that all will analyse and come to conclusion

  7. Nice one 4 point not be applicable for People working is S/w as we do not do any seva to country but we cannot quit the profession. Need to find way how best we can purpose of life than profession —- Mohan kowlgi

    1. Dear sir,this comment really means a lot for us but where there is a will there is a way. Please look into the society with a much broader perspective, you will surely find a way.

  8. Dear Srinidhi rao,
    "Inspiring others"is done well wn u love ur self n ur work . So keep loving ur self!!
