Friday, November 22, 2019

Purpose of life

I don't feel I am a kid anymore, neither do I feel like an adult, but a question has been continuously striking in my neurons for a while now!

What is the purpose of life?

Image result for thinking

I have heard quite a lot of answers to this one question. I finally understood that everyone has their own definition of the purpose of life.

Some of them feel, their purpose in life is to reach God by 'Sadhana"(the practice of praying the god).

Some of them told that their purpose is to make sure, their future generations had a better life.
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And the remaining don't know their purpose of life & were just going with the flow.
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I tried to answer the question for myself and came out with an answer.

I feel that the following should be the practices of everyone so that they accomplish the purpose of their life consciously or unconsciously (including me) :

1.Being thankful to the creator: 
           If you are a theist, be thankful to the creator, for all the creations.
           If you are an atheist, then wonder and appreciate the evolution of nature to the present day.

                                        Image result for nature and man

2.Have empathy:
           Have some empathy. It helps an individual to grow up wisely. It builds better relations between different life forms and within them. It brings you respect from elders as well as underlings.
By this, your presence might not be cherished but absence is definitely felt.

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3.Helping others:
        It is the most important than any other practice of one's life. If we were to come up with solutions to all the difficulties that we face by ourselves, then we would have been placed in individual mazes rather than in one world collectively.
             So, help others.

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4.Have a purpose for your profession:
            If you don't have a purpose for your profession and are not admiring it, then you are life but not living. So, have a purpose for your profession, if not please quit & do something you reverve. The greater the purpose of your profession, the greater is your career. The greater your career, the more people you are inspiring.

                                     Image result for happy professionals

Inspiring others is what I feel like the greatest purpose of one's life.

These are what I feel the practices in one's life should be. I am just 22 years old and some of you who are reading this might have a professional life greater than or equal to my age, but, yeah, this is what I have understood about life & it's purpose till now.

If you feel that some more points can be added, please feel free to comment below.

- Gonwar Srinidhi Rao

Follow @youngsterwriters on Instagram for updates.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Independence day

India has got its freedom from the British, who ruled our country for 190 years to be accurate. It was the effort several patriots who fought for the independence of the country. The fight for independence was not a easy one. From the First war of independence in 1857 to 15th of August, 1947, it was a tough fight between the freedom fighters of India (both violent and non-violent) and the British Raj.

Though people in India fought for freedom directly but there were other reasons for the British to grant freedom for us. The independence of India was not merely a cause of anyone of the events inside the country but it was an amalgamation of several factors that contributed for the declaration of the independence for our nation. On this 73rd Independence day I would like to bring into light all the factors that caused independence to India (Most of them are not taught to us though):
  1. Raising demand for independence: Firstly, the leaders of India negotiated for a dominion status of the country rather than complete independence (Nehru report, submitted by Motilal Nehru as the Simon commission was relucted and sent back). The British promised dominion status for India, if at all it supports them in World war I. However, the British never fulfilled their promise. Bhagat Singh, a well known Indian revolutionary gave the idea of Purna Swaraj. Influenced by this, Nehru celebrated Independence day on 26th of January, 1930 ( Republic day is observed on 26th of January for this reason) and people started following this.
  2. Quit India movement: The Quit India movement brought all the people of the country together.The protesters hoisted flags on Government buildings. The Government as an answer to this committed atrocities, murdering thousands of people.
  3. Civil disobedience movement: The Civil disobedience movement forced the British to form democratic bodies in its provinces. Congress formed government in 8 out of 11 provinces. 
  4. Indian National Army: Formation of Indian National Army / Azad Hind Fauj by "Nethaji" Subhash Chandra Bose with the help of Nazis of Germany and the Japanese brought tension in the British officials in India. But when Japanese surrendered to the allied forces, the cause of formation of INA was lost.
  5. World war II: The world war II was a huge loss to Axis forces as well as to the Allied forces. The British who were the part of Allied forces suffered economic losses and were incapable of maintaining an army in the colonies where the movements for their independence were uprising. So, the British had to leave their colonies to reduce their expenses. Not only India, the British left Jordan in 1946, Palestine in 1947 and Sri Lanka in 1948. For the same reason the French also left Laos in 1949 and Cambodia in 1953.
  6. Failure of Cripps Mission: By 1942, the Japanese advanced to Burma / Myanmar. The British needed the support from India to defend its province. To negotiate this Sir Stafford Cripps was sent to India and promised a dominion status, if India supported. However, our leaders did not want to get cheated again and therefore refused to support. Thus, Cripps mission failed and lead to freedom struggle.
  7. The loss of Conservative party in General elections of Britain, 1945: In the general elections of Britain, the Labour party won in 1945, thus replacing the Conservative party. The Prime minister, Clement Atlee was liberal and wanted to negotiate with Indians on transferring power and independence peacefully. So, he sent a cabinet mission to India in 1946 to negotiate the grant of independence securing India's unity and peace. However, the demand for partition failed one of the motto of the committee.
Whatever may be the reason, the sacrifice of people of our country who stood for its freedom, integrity and unity should be remembered.
And finally, Happy 73rd Independence day India.

- Gonwar Srinidhi rao.

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Sunday, July 21, 2019


The average age of the Army Man is 23 years.  
He is a short haired, muscular kid, who under normal circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy. He is not old enough to buy a beer in the capital of his country, but old enough to die for his country.

He's a recent college graduate,pursued some form of sport activities, drives a rickety bicycle, and had a girlfriend that either broke up with him when he left for IMA, or swears to be waiting until he returns.
He listens to rock, hip -hop, bhangra, gazals and a 155 mm howitzer.
He is 5-7 kilos lighter now than before because he is fighting the insurgents or guarding the icy Himalayas from dawn to dusk and dusk to dawn.


He has trouble spelling, thus letter writing is a pain for him, but he can field strip a rifle in 30 seconds and reassemble it in less time.
He can recite to you the nomenclature of a machine gun or grenade launcher and use either one effectively if he must.
He digs foxholes and can apply first aid like a professional. He can march until he is told to stop, or stop until he is told to march. 

He obeys orders instantly and without hesitation because he is taught to die when asked to die and ask not why.
He has two sets of combat dress: he washes one and wears the other. He sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but never to clean his rifle. He can cook his own meals, mend his own clothes, and fix his own wounds. 
If you're thirsty, he'll share his water with you, if you are hungry, his food. He'll even split his ammunition with you in the midst of battle when you run low. He has learned to use his hands like weapons. He can save lives or take it, because he's been trained for both.

He will often do twice the work of a civilian, draw half the pay, and still find ironic humor in it all.
He has seen more suffering and death than he should have in his short lifetime.
He has wept in public and in private, for friends who have fallen in a combat.
He feels every word of the Jana Gana Mana vibrates through his body, while he notices people around him who haven't bothered to stand, remove their hands from their pockets, or even stop talking. People find it abnormal when he stands erect in the public during the national anthem. He doesn't find it disrespectful but rather takes pride in doing so.

Just as his Father, Grandfather, and Great grandfather did, he is paying the price for our freedom. 

A tricolour, somewhere in his uniform,
A tricolour, he holds high,
A tricolour he unfurls with pride after every mission.
Sometimes he comes home wrapped in one.
Beardless or not, he is not a boy. 
He is our nation's Fighting Man who has kept this country free and defended our right to Freedom.
He has experienced deprivation and adversity, and has seen his buddies falling to bullets.


He is the Fauji of this country.


                                                                                                                        Written by
                                                                                                                        B. Sai Kiran.

For regular updates and suggestions follow and DM us @youngsterwrites on instagram.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Theory of love

     Love is defined as a strong feeling of affection towards a person or a great interest and pleasure in something. But I define love as a force or a source of power that changes a person from being an rude & impolite person to human with great humanitarian values.

     Sitting in the arms of parents a child sees wonders of the world and they never know that it is the deep affection of the parent’s that holds them high and shows the wonders. They will know it only when they start slipping from their parent’s arms. And the parents never let their child slip away. Happy or sad, easy or tough they never let the child slip away and that is their LOVE.

    It is as pure as the smile of an innocent child and as clear as the blue sky.
     Theory of relativity says that any two elements of the universe are related some or the other way. And the theory of love says that every human being is related to the other human being through love. Some are called family, some are friends and some are followers. Finally, the whole thing is love between people that keeps this world alive.     

     Love cannot be seen but can be felt by a pure heart. The love may be between a parent and child, between friends and between a man and woman. Wherever it is or between whom it is, it gets sow like a seed, grows and turns into a big tree that shelters and gives sweetest fruits in this universe.
     Sometimes love becomes not an action of showing affection but feeling responsible for the person we love. Parents take the responsibility of their child because they love them. A friend feels responsible about his/her friends because he/she loves them. A brother feels responsible about his sister because he love her.  A man/woman takes responsibility of his/her woman/man because they love each other.

     Without love there is NO progress, without love there is NO humanity and without love there is NO creation.
                                                                                                           - Gonwar Srinidhi rao.

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Sunday, June 16, 2019


Social Struck

They told that her Mini Skirt was the reason for her Rape. She started wearing Long Skirts, even then she got Raped. They blamed her dressing. She started wearing saree, this time also she got raped and again they pointed her dressing sense. Now she wore a full length dress and covered herself completely. Now whom should we blame?

In a Country where we pray Goddess Lakshmi,  Parvathi, Saraswathi and many more, the accounts and cases of rapes are increasing at alarming rates.And what are we doing to prevent? Nothing!!!
Literally nothing changed. A story in social media "RIP society" and a small discussion with friends and most of all SYMPATHY for the victim. Does this help???

Little kids being raped by teachers.  Isn't it ironical of how a teacher who is often thought as a second God turned to be a Demon? Yet there is nothing that changed.
A Country that is united by Cricket, Movies and Film stars is just watching.

How only we praise other countries for their strict punishments and rules?  Are they too difficult to implement, that we fail? All our daughters, sisters, partners,  mothers and friends live in a state of fear and agony. And yet we don't even notice these issues and address them effectively.

From adolescence a girl is lectured on how to dress up,  how to sit,  how to stand, how to cook and how to compromise and satisfy others ego but then why don't we teach our sons to respect women,  encourage women and most of all not to rape women.
If all this can change then there can be so much difference that we can observe in our society and country.

Be the change because the transition from a normal person to a rapist doesn't happen in a day. It is gradual. It starts with small negative thoughts and goes on to becoming a psycho or a sadist.
Let's educate ourselves and our friends on dismissing negative attitudes.

Because it's not a physical change that could be reversed, it's a irreversible one,  that changes the lifes of many, from normal happy people to victims and criminals and that's not a very happening thing to be called for sure.

                                                                                                     Written by-

For further suggestions and sharing your opinions, DM us on Instagram @youngsterwrites . Keep showing us your love and support.

Sunday, June 2, 2019



Youth should be like young birds that 
start flying as soon as they get their wings. Present youth are like the young birds with strong wings but also with aviophobia i.e. they lack the courage to fly with their wings open. Inspiration is the key to build courage in them and the results would be great.
There is lot of inspiration and opportunity around them. All they need is awareness about the opportunity and a little spark of ignition that awakes the great person hibernating within them. As soon as they get to know the above things NOTHING is going to stop them.

            Opportunities are not the one that are open to all. Well, that doesn’t mean that people with higher IQ would notice them. Only people hungry for achievements and with great zeal towards their success are going to identify them. For that, they need to be curious as a kid. So, never lose the kid with in you.
Inspiration from others would not last forever, you would forget them as-soon-as the speech ends or may be a day or after a while. Being self-inspired and self-motivated helps you a lot. Having self-inspiration and self-motivation keeps one ready for any situation and confident in their tough situations.

Youth should be like space, calm and pleasant.
Youth should be like water, flowing allover and quenching thirst of all.
Youth should be like earth, able to bear any pressure from outside and inside.
Youth should be like fire, always burning with great desire that is capable of showing light to the ordinary people.
Youth should be like air, need not to be seen but most important for the survival of mankind.
Youth are much like the five most important elements, they just need to know that.


Written by -

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