Wednesday, November 3, 2021



It’s been a while since I am using the social media and I feel I have enough experience to talk about it. All I want to express in this blog, is my experience with social media, its power to influence someone and the ways to overcome the influence. Though this is a vast topic, I have tried to keep it short and to the point.

Social Media:

                I remember, my dad getting me a smartphone after joining in an engineering college. I was excited about getting into touch with people far away from me virtually. I even allotted myself some time to spend on social media and followed that.

                It’s a really great thing that we who were used to dial up and talk to people or wrote letters, now, shall video call and can literally see each other in real time with just our hand-sets, and not any computers with cameras!

                The Facebook posts, the Whatsapp chats and groups, the streaks of Snapchat, I mean everything just felt amazing!

Influence of Social Media:

                As said by someone, everything has its pros and cons, the social media also has both the ends. It had the power of keeping people together in spite of the distance between them and it was also powerful enough to keep the user’s eye attached to the phone’s screen and isolate him/her from the surroundings and the people around. I started experiencing the former while my parents felt the later. However, I was having a good time.

                The time of me being on social media occupied a good part of the day. During vacations it went up to almost the total day. And this continued even after completion of my graduation. All I did was sitting idle and scrolling through instagram feeds, whatsapp chats, snaps of snapchat and videos on youtube. The time I was spending on social media ranged from 12-14 hours/day!

Overcoming the influence:

                Given the above information, one can understand how much I was into social media. It’s not like that I haven’t tried overcoming the social media addiction. In spite of my efforts I couldn’t overcome that. By this time, I have completed my graduation and was doing nothing but being on social media. I thought that it’s high time, I need to overcome this addiction and start being prosperous in some or the other way. I sat down, wrote down the plan and I started implementing it. Few months down the line, the usage of social media reduced to 1-2 hours/day! Now, after 1 year of this whole process, the time I spend my time on social media is < 1 hour/day. Comparatively today, I feel more accomplished and satisfied about what I am, what I do and how I do.

                Having done all this successfully, I felt I need to share this experience of mine, with all of you. Here are some basic things that I followed to make sure I spent least time on social media:

1.      Make plan and stick to it.

2.   Set small goals, achieve and reward yourself.

3.   Track the progress weekly, not daily.

4.   Remember, you aren’t done after reaching the goal. You are, only when you make it your habit or a part of yours.

PS: These points not only apply to social media addiction but also every other kind of. All you need is self-discipline, commitment and the picture of outcome flashing in front of your eyes whenever you blink.


 Gonwar Srinidhi rao.  

Monday, February 22, 2021

My Lockdown 2 - The Rise

 Note: Before reading this blog I suggest you to read "My Lockdown 1", if you did please do read once again.

    "Vatsa!" said my sharp voice. "Haa anna" was the reply. "I want to go for a walk, shall we?" I asked. "OK", was the reply. It was 2-3AM when we went walking through the corridors. This didn't happen for a day or two but every other day. My brother used to hold my hand and walk with me through the hospital corridors. The treatment and physiotherapy were really helping, I could walk with a little help, write with a bit shiver and talk with few mumbles. My brother, uncle and dad helped me in all the ways they could and no one can imagine. Of course, family is the one of the best things that happen to anyone. 

    The following morning I was told that I would be discharged within a couple of days. I was delighted to hear that, as it was my parents wedding anniversary after the day I am going to get discharged. So, I thought of giving them a simple,  yet precious gift. The evening of the next day, I got discharged, walked to our car on my own and left to home after spending around 10 days in the hospital.

    The next day, the D-day, as soon as I woke up everyone, at home were busy with their works. I sat up, grabbed a paper and pen, wrote down, " HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSAY MOM & DAD ", with my shivering hand and gave it as a present to them. Their eyes filled with joy and delight. They wanted my fastest recovery and it was clear for them that I was recovering at a good pace. 

    After physiotherapy for 2 more weeks I started going for a walk with my dad. He held my hand just like he did, when I was kid. This happened for a week. I was walking good, speaking great & writing neatly. It was just 4 weeks from the day my doctor's words devastated my family. Finally, I chased down my challenge that I set for myself.

      It felt like everything was coming into my control.  But,......

To be continued....... 

- G Srinidhi rao

If you feel my blogs are worth reading and are interesting, please do share with your near and dear. 

If you want me to continue this series of blogs, please let me know through your comments.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

My Lockdown 1 - The Fall

     "He might not be able to speak, write or walk properly for at least 6 months," doctor declared. My mother broke into tears after hearing that. I was lying there, on the hospital bed helplessly, unable to move my right limbs. I knew this was not the end. But s your mother in tears affects you the most (13th October, 2020).

    I met with an accident almost a week ago (on 5th October,2020) and fainted. Thanks to the people at the site, without them I don't know what would have happened to me. They gave me first aid and took me to the best hospital available as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the mishap was informed to my office and family. They all rushed in with all the help they could. This all happened at around 10:30 AM. As I woke up around 7:00 PM, I saw my parents waiting for me to gain conscious. I felt fine and left for home with my parents.

    Though I seemed normal for the next 5 days, it was on 11th October,2020, I puked and felt something strange happening with my body. I was immediately rushed to the nearby hospital that could treat me. I under went some scans and tests & the doctor completely understood my situation. I was immediately admitted into ICU and was treated accordingly. The night between 11th and 12th October, 2020, I couldn't understand what was happening to my body. I wasn't comfortable at all. My mother and aunt were totally exhausted making me comfortable.

    The next morning (12th October,2020), I was shifted into special ward for better medication and  comfort. Slowly, I started understanding and accepting what was happening to my body. My right limbs turned numb and there were some minor clots in my brain. Medication was given for the clots. My neurosurgeon suggested physiotherapy for my limbs to recover. The medication and physiotherapy started from the same day.

    The next day i.e. on 13th October, 2020, the doctor's words devastated my family. That was the time when I decided myself that I would walk, speak and write again, just like before, in less than 4 weeks. Though I didn't know how tough it was to reach my target, I set it and took it as a challenge.

To be continued........

- Gonwar Srinidhi Rao.

Special mentions:

1. Mr. Arun, AE, APSPDCL.

2. Mr. Ramprasad, Site engineer, ARPSL.

3. Mr. Ravi Maruthi Reddy, M.D., YESPL.

4. Mr. Rambabu, Assistant manager, YESPL.

If you feel my blogs are worth reading and are interesting, please do share with your near and dear. 

If you want me to continue this series of blogs, please let me know through your comments.