Sunday, June 16, 2019


Social Struck

They told that her Mini Skirt was the reason for her Rape. She started wearing Long Skirts, even then she got Raped. They blamed her dressing. She started wearing saree, this time also she got raped and again they pointed her dressing sense. Now she wore a full length dress and covered herself completely. Now whom should we blame?

In a Country where we pray Goddess Lakshmi,  Parvathi, Saraswathi and many more, the accounts and cases of rapes are increasing at alarming rates.And what are we doing to prevent? Nothing!!!
Literally nothing changed. A story in social media "RIP society" and a small discussion with friends and most of all SYMPATHY for the victim. Does this help???

Little kids being raped by teachers.  Isn't it ironical of how a teacher who is often thought as a second God turned to be a Demon? Yet there is nothing that changed.
A Country that is united by Cricket, Movies and Film stars is just watching.

How only we praise other countries for their strict punishments and rules?  Are they too difficult to implement, that we fail? All our daughters, sisters, partners,  mothers and friends live in a state of fear and agony. And yet we don't even notice these issues and address them effectively.

From adolescence a girl is lectured on how to dress up,  how to sit,  how to stand, how to cook and how to compromise and satisfy others ego but then why don't we teach our sons to respect women,  encourage women and most of all not to rape women.
If all this can change then there can be so much difference that we can observe in our society and country.

Be the change because the transition from a normal person to a rapist doesn't happen in a day. It is gradual. It starts with small negative thoughts and goes on to becoming a psycho or a sadist.
Let's educate ourselves and our friends on dismissing negative attitudes.

Because it's not a physical change that could be reversed, it's a irreversible one,  that changes the lifes of many, from normal happy people to victims and criminals and that's not a very happening thing to be called for sure.

                                                                                                     Written by-

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Sunday, June 2, 2019



Youth should be like young birds that 
start flying as soon as they get their wings. Present youth are like the young birds with strong wings but also with aviophobia i.e. they lack the courage to fly with their wings open. Inspiration is the key to build courage in them and the results would be great.
There is lot of inspiration and opportunity around them. All they need is awareness about the opportunity and a little spark of ignition that awakes the great person hibernating within them. As soon as they get to know the above things NOTHING is going to stop them.

            Opportunities are not the one that are open to all. Well, that doesn’t mean that people with higher IQ would notice them. Only people hungry for achievements and with great zeal towards their success are going to identify them. For that, they need to be curious as a kid. So, never lose the kid with in you.
Inspiration from others would not last forever, you would forget them as-soon-as the speech ends or may be a day or after a while. Being self-inspired and self-motivated helps you a lot. Having self-inspiration and self-motivation keeps one ready for any situation and confident in their tough situations.

Youth should be like space, calm and pleasant.
Youth should be like water, flowing allover and quenching thirst of all.
Youth should be like earth, able to bear any pressure from outside and inside.
Youth should be like fire, always burning with great desire that is capable of showing light to the ordinary people.
Youth should be like air, need not to be seen but most important for the survival of mankind.
Youth are much like the five most important elements, they just need to know that.


Written by -

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